
Here at Agape Fellowship Church (AFC), “PEOPLE MATTERS TO GOD!” We recognize that we are among the “lost people” Jesus came to seek and save. It is out of this recognition that we have built our purpose statement (which is AFC’s combined mission and vision into one statement):  to love God more and make heaven more crowded through uniquely turning curious individuals to Jesus Christ with the gospel that shapes people and cultures, inspire connections, and change the world.

“The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Luke 19:10


He came to earth from heaven knowing his purpose, and that was to make heaven more crowded. His single-mindedness, determination, and reliance on his heavenly Father’s guidance ensured that at the end of his ministry, Jesus could pray boldly and confidently, “I have accomplished the work which You gave me to do” (John 14:4).



Jesus came to build a community of believers and make heaven more crowded with the Gospel. It was only twelve at first—small, right? But the size was intentional to become the foundation of a vast network of followers who would fulfill Jesus’ vision—to make heaven more crowded. Knowing Jesus’ disciples’ exciting potential but precarious position, Jesus prayed, “As You have sent me into the world, I also send them into the world” (John 17:18). 


Jesus’ ministry unfolded in stages—though his plan was large. Workers needed to be trained, and he began to call people right out of their preoccupation with other interests. The control Jesus exercised in relation to his ministry was always in response to the leadings of His heavenly Father—and as the appropriate way to facilitate his mission and vision in accordance with his values.



As Christ followers at AFC, we desire to carry on Jesus’ mission. Because Jesus came to seek and to save the lost; we feel compelled to do the same thing. In Rochester and the surrounding communities, there are so many people who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. We saw in Jesus’ ministry that he went above and beyond recusing people from life’s drama, and he wanted to make them fit for heaven and make that beautiful place more crowded. Our ministry at AFC is the same. Our ministries are designed not only so people can “meet” Christ, but so they will grow in faith by being obedient to Jesus’ commands and conformed to Christ’s character.


What We’re Becoming

To love God more by becoming a biblically functioning community of believers. With this gift of salvation, we are called to seek and save the lost guiding them to know Jesus, providing them a place to grow in their faith, and equipping them to go into the world as disciples of Christ. Our focus includes creating practical opportunities for you and your family to establish a strong biblical foundation through Life Groups, Small Growth Classes, and Bible Studies. We’re here to show you how to live a life devoted to Jesus and how to serve as a community of uplifting, like-minded believers as we commit to loving God more and make heaven more crowded!

Why we’re here and what we’re doing

To love God more and make heaven more crowded through uniquely turning curious individuals to Jesus Christ with the gospel that shape people and cultures, inspire connections, and change the world.