

Agape Fellowship Church is supported by the generosity of its members mainly through their tithes and offerings.

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Why We give

The first question we need to ask ourselves when we look at our resources is the age-old question of the psalmist: “What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?” (Psalm 116:12). We present gifts to God as our priority in our lives because of one reason only; God has been good to us. And we respond to God’s goodness through tithing. Tithing is not a way of raising money. Tithing is essentially a spiritual discipline—foundational and essential to Christian spirituality and stewardship through the Word of God and prayer. The word tithe means “a tenth part.” Tithing is a donation, or offering, of one-tenth of your gross income for the service of God. Sounds a lot? Not so. Giving only one-tenth of your resources is quite little in reality.

However, the idea of tithing is not about money. Tithing is about obedience to God’s Word. Tithing is about thanksgiving for what God has already done in the living and incarnate Word. Tithing is about faith in the faithfulness of God and in the written and revealed Word of God. Lastly, to preach and to teach tithing is to proclaim the gospel because the gospel is always about giving. Through tithing, we fund our mission and initiatives to Love God More locally, regionally, and globally.

You can give to Agape Fellowship Church more quickly and securely using the form below. More ways to give, including how to set up automatic recurring giving, are listed down below.





Supporting the on-going ministry needs and the day-to-day operations of AFC through presenting a gift of ten percent minimum or more to expand God’s kingdom reach.



Supporting the on-going ministry needs of AFC through presenting a gift less than ten percent.



Support our scholarship fund to support young families attending the Genesis Kids Early Learning Center. Learn more about the Genesis Kids Early Learning Center at The scholarship also supports first year students entering college



Fresh Start Café donation with a credit or debit card. Funds raised through the Café support mission projects and those in need, both locally and around the world.



Giving to AFC using a credit or debit card is simple and secure using our online giving platform, Tithly. You can make a one-time gift, or set up recurring giving to make the process even more convenient. 



You can give to AFC directly from your bank account using your bank's bill pay feature, if available. Giving through this method helps reduce transaction and service fees associated with credit and debit cards.



If you prefer to give with cash or check, you can do so in person at AFC and put your offering in the Giving plates during service. 


We're here to help answer any questions you may have, whether it's about the ways you can give to Agape Fellowship Church or how donations are used throughout the church, or something else.


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 585-266-5524


Agape Fellowship Church three-years capital improvement renovation program 2022-2025

GOAL: $300,000

“…I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.”

II Samuel 24:24 (NIV)


Agape Fellowship Church and the congregation’s new Genesis Kids Early Learning Center (ELC) is poised for growth and transformation. But the sad truth is that the church and the ELC sits in the middle of a designated “child care” desert area. That means the Early Learning Center resides in a location involving not having enough licensed/registered child care centers to adequately serve the number of children in a geographic area. Following the permanent closure of the former Seneca United Methodist Church on November 10, 2020, members of the new Agape Fellowship Church boldly reviewed the circumstances surrounding the evolution of young children and families moving in the area but lacking in quality day care services, and decided to act. On Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, AFC opened her doors for the first time as a new re-purpose congregation and declared that a future day care will open within a year following.

To get on our feet, AFC and the Early Learning Center are looking to raise $300,000 over the next three years above and beyond our normal tithes and offerings. Within the next three years, AFC and the Early Learning Center is committed to expanding our “young scholars” with an educational philosophy that is “faith and “play-based” in scope, teaching young children to “Love God More!” Additionally, and as part of the church and the Early Learning Center’s commitment to expanding our reach to families, we boldly intend to grow our student base by 100 percent. In doing so, we will be able to offer a qualitative, spiritual, and academically rich program where the curriculum is culturally responsive as we service young families while addressing the “child care” desert area concerns.


AFC is not your typical church and nor will be the Early Learning Center. As a congregation, AFC was born to reflect the attitude and commitment of being an Acts 2 community—which means, we are committed to be the most generous and giving group of people you will ever meet and know. AFC’s love offerings are not monetary-based, but our offering comes in the form of liberation from the social and spiritual oppression many people go through all the time. It means if AFC is offering a chance to be liberated and free from visible and invisible social and spiritual forces around us, then this congregation must prepare the worship campus to be a physical space where all of life is transformative.

In renovating, we will be able to center our first floor administrative and youth wings around the Early Learning Center equipped with modern technology that can facilitate a child’s cognitive abilities in digital art and learning before ever reaching kindergarten and first grade. While we are centering the administrative and youth wings around the Early Learning Center to be a colorful, lively, and welcoming environment; we will not compromise our commitment to small class sizes and individual educational plans.


Therefore, we have determined through prayers, meditation, and plenty of conversations that it is in the best interest of our congregation to meet the wholistic needs of the individual, and not merely spiritual only. To stay committed to this understanding, AFC intend to raise $300,000 over the next three years to support our vision. With your support, not only we can do it, but our church family and day school can grow into the next phase of our history and meet the needs of our changing Irondequoit and Greater Rochester communities. We intend to be an oasis in a desert—that’s why we are “all in!”  And we will not sacrifice to the Lord our God burnt offerings that cost us nothing—II Samuel 24:24. We hope you will support us and give today.


How Can You Help?

We are asking everyone to consider getting involved in three very practical ways: 


Attend our Prayer Gathering every Saturday from 10:00-11:00AM in Carpenter Hall. Our Prayer Gathering is a weekly prayer fellowship where you can pray with others for your needs, our church, our community, and people around the world. Our prayer gathering typically includes time for individual prayer, small group prayer, and large group prayer time. If you are not comfortable praying out loud, that's OK. There's no pressure, just come and join us as we pray together.


As part of the “ALL-IN” strategy and plan, we encourage you to serve somewhere in the church whether it is in the Praise Team, Life Group, Missions, Children and Youth Ministries, somewhere, and do it for the glory of God!


Support the “ALL-IN!” Campaign 2023-24 by turning in a Commitment Card. A monthly giving calculator is provided to help inform your commitment “above and beyond” your regular tithes and offerings for 2023-24. You can also make your commitment to the “ALL-IN!” Campaign and upfront gift online by clicking here.






3 Years Total Gift
























































Capital Campaign Pledge Form